Privacy Policy

Watford Swim School understands the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users of the website.

Collected Information:

In order to follow students’ progress and enrol for classes, users must register and provide certain voluntary information about themselves.

Financial Information:

No debit or credit card information of any customer is stored by Watford Swim School.

Use Of Information:

Watford Swim School will not reveal to any third party a user’s personal information provided to us through the Watford Swim School website except in the following circumstances:
  • We need to perform banking reconciliation
  • We are responding to subpoenas, court orders or other legal proceedings; or
  • We sell or acquire another business, or are acquired by another business, in which case such information may be one of the business assets transferred

Third parties will not contact our users through the use of email newsletters or our email lists except through advertisements within the Watford Swim School newsletters.

Watford Swim School  is not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of websites to which Watford Swim School may link.
Watford Swim School uses reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us by our users secure and to disclose such information only after obtaining permission from the user (except under the circumstances discussed above).